
Name: Lê Hoàng Minh Sơn (you can call me Lee Sown)

Birthyear: 2000

Current Position: an IT Student in 3rd year of exploring the world of Software Engineering at University of Information Technology, Vietnam National University (Ho Chi Minh City)

Hobbies: English, reading, computer, human communication,…

Motto: Start all from scratch, catch all from stars

More Information

I have the ability to implement practical IT strategies combined with human interaction at a wide variety of levels. My greatest strength is effectively communicating with others, which enables me to utilize the power of teamwork in any working environment.

I was originally a student who study languages (English) at high school, as well as a freelance English translator (2015-2018) so used to connecting everyone by ideas and messages.

This is my personal blog for updating things related to my journey of acquiring knowledge about the world around me. I love to look, to learn and to live in a constantly changing society. Hope you have fun! :v

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