My first step in the field

Since the young age, we have always dreamt of doing different jobs when we grow up – sure, all of us who obviously had an imaginative childhood. As for me, dreams have changed over the time, becoming a doctor (at preliminary school) or a teacher (at secondary school),… – a common situation happening to almost everyone.

But quite recently, I started to realize what task I really like, and want to perform (over a year up to now). That’s what we call “passion”, exactly. And when we pursue our passion, we seem to be more active and enthusiastic about our work. It’s a computer programmer in my case.

Things related to computer tend to attract me very much since I knew it. I attend some Computer classes when I was young, and everything entered my mind rather easily. Whenever it comes to computer problems, I have little trouble sorting it out – for myself or friends or family. Also, I tried learning more complex aspects of it – how to make websites or forming an application… Those all contribute to my dream of becoming a computer programmer or work like that.

As I am specialized in English (or you can say “I’m little nice at English”), it is, of course, a real advantage of me when digging into Computer. Playing games, especially computer games, is always my top-one hobby – so I appear more confident to deal with game-making (which I always hope to do in the future!). Referring to this job means that I must improve and better my knowledge about this broad field, from now.

There exist lots of other reasons that make me decide on this job, apart from the “passion” and “interest” I’ve just mentioned above. My 1st sister also does Computer work (a qualified student of UIT). When accomplishing the course, I can make up my mind to apply for a wide range of jobs – a computer programmer, a computer scientist, or a computer teacher; work at game brand, software company, … – demand for this job position is always high nowadays.

To sum up, I am setting my goal on work related to computer science – software engineering. But there goes a saying that: “Actually jobs choose us.”. Therefore, what I will do and who I will become in the future is unforeseen. Who knows?

Written on April 13, 2020